Wednesday, October 1, 2014


We had a long drive to Hobart, but on the way we stopped for an icecream and then at a special lolly shop in Campbelltown called 'A Little Piece of Heaven'. When I arrived at my friends house [Guy] I unpacked from the car. He wasn't there on the first night because he was camping in Stuart Bay so we had to get him from the bus the next morning.

One of the days I was there Zaw Zaw, Guy and I went to see a movie called 'The Box Trolls'.
We also went to a teddy store full of all kinds of different teddies. I got a new teddy-wolf for 15 dollars and I called him Storm. He came with his own birth certificate.

We went to Hobart Aquatic Centre for a big swim as well as played in the backyard that has a trampoline, big net to climb and its own creek to play in.

Another day, Guy wanted to get a new booked especially signed by a famous author- Graeme Base- he is a really good illustrator and story writer.

Another day we went to a Hip Hop dancing thing and learnt how to dance Hip Hop. There is a video of it!

On the first night we had hamburgers for dinner. One morning me and Guy made breakfast for every one [Guy did most of the cooking, I was an assistant]. We made pancakes.

I really enjoyed my visit at Hobart. I would give this part of our trip 5/5 stars because I really enjoyed these 2 weeks.

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