Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hong Kong to Burma

We arrived at the airport to Hong Kong after 8hrs on the plane. We had our own TV/computer. I played lots of games with my brother.

When we arrived we settled in, got a phone and called our friends. We slept and woke up and went for breakfast.

On one of the days we were there, we went to a place called Hong Kong Ocean Park.
At Ocean park there was a dolphin show. It was awesome. The dolphins did flips- they even glided across the water with their tails!

The next day we went to Hong Kong Disneyland. We went on a few rides, like in Toy Story Land where we went on a slinky dog ride that feels like your riding slinky and he is trying to chase his tail. It was really fast.

After Disneyland we went to our friends house. Their names were Odie, Yuen and their daughter Skye.  We played with her cat Cheddar.

We played with Skye the next day and also ate Yum Cha at a resturant near their house. After a little play in the afternoon and watching a movie we went on the plane to Burma.

When we arrived nearly all of the Burmese side of the family came. I had never met them except for my dad, grandma and one of my uncles. I was sooo glad to see my dad again.

We all went back to my dads apartment and the others went to their house. We unpacked and met our new pet whose a chipmunk called Jedi.

The next day we went to my Pwa Pwa and Poe Poes house [grandma and grandpa in Burmese] and my uncles and aunties were there too. We also met another girl called Chaw Chaw who lives next door. I played badinton with her on the street. I thought she was really good at it. I also rode a bike that my uncle got for me.

The next day Jedi escaped and we were really sad. So later that day we bought 2 more- a girl and a boy. I chose the boy and called him Stripes. And my dad called his Jedi #2 in memory of Jedi #1.

We went back to my pwa pwa and poe poe's house and met my Burmese cousins. They were shy at first. They were also good at badminton and we played on the street together until after dark.

Another day my Uncle made me a ring made of a rare gemstone called white sapphire. I loved it.

Well that is all i will write to you today. Bye!

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