Saturday, January 31, 2015

Today we are going to 3 places in burma Bagan Mandalay Inle lake. We first went to Inle Lake and on the first day we setteled in and had a rest then the next day we went on the lake on a boat. on the boat we stoped at a place whee they make silk and clothing and otherstuff like that. Then on the next stop we went to a silversmith there was lots of stuff made of iorn, alumuinion, and i think copper  Then we stoped at a cat jumpping monastry there were no cats (acept the sleeping one) that jumped there they hafalll moved. There i bought 2 cat sculpture my aunty nought me 1 and i bought another. After all that we went back yo our hotel called mingalar inn and slept for the night The next day we went on our way to Mandalay when we arrived we went to our hotel wich was full of nature and we went in we settled in and me and my mum stayed at the hotel and fiona went to look i side the burmese palace. Then at night time me and fiona went to a puppet show it was a bit diffrent then the other one i watched the last time i cameto mandalay but i still liked the same one with the 2 demons i am not sure what my aunty liked. Then the next ay we met this girl who really wanted to play with me and it turned out we were going on the same noat tomorow to bagan. Sowe would play there. Then later in the day we went on a huge bike ride it was 18 k long me and my aunty and another girl went o it. I gota sore bum i noe still have a sore bum. When we arrives at the 160 year old brige we walked across it and the tour guied toldme about a burmese legeond. Thwn we went back to the hotel on the way we saw a cat and it froze when it saw us and ran into the bushes. the next day it took all day for the boat to arrive at bagan and the whole day i got to play with the kid that wanted to play with me.we talked and played uno and loom bands. when we arrived we went to our hotel and slept. The next day fiona went on a balloon ride and we stayed at the hotel then later on in the day we went to a mountian called po pa and we had to climb a load of stairs and on the way there was lots of monkeys we went up and looked around then we went down when we went down a monkey attacked my mum and he wanted foodso we had to buy a load of food. For it to get of my mum. After all that we went to another mountian at a resort and had dinner there with that kid that i played with. She couldnt stay long because her dad was sick. so we ate dinner and went back. Then the nezt day we have to go home to Yangoon. But niw i have to say good bye so see you later! Bye.

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