Friday, November 28, 2014

A visit to Southern Shan State

One day we went to southern Shan state through a valley and mountain range, near a river. It took us 13 hours to drive 500 miles. On the way my dad accidentally ran over a village puppy. When we finally arrived we went to the hotel we were staying at on the top of the mountain. It was really windy and there was also a swimming pool. We unpacked and went to dinner. We were sooooo tired when we got back, so we went to bed. The next morning it was New Years eve and there was a fire lantern festival all over Shan state.
My mum got food poisoning and that place so she couldn’t come with us all day. We all stayed home with her at night time. The next day my tonsils got swollen and it felt like I was going to vomit. Mummy said maybe we got bad luck for running over the puppy. So we went to the pagoda on top of the hill and asked for a blessing to get rid of our bad luck. The next day we went down the mountains to go to a big inland lake- called Inle- to ride a wooden long boat. We went around the lake and on the way we went to a silversmith. There was lots of rings and necklaces and I got a dragon bracelet. Later that day at our hotel we went into the pool for a swim. There were 2 Italian men next to where my mum was. Zaw Zaw tried to speak Italian to them. I was too shy. I remembered my Italian teacher from West Footscray. The next day we went on our way back to Yangon. It was such a long drive but we saw an amazing sunset and I took some photos.


  1. Poor puppy :( I hope you are feeling better Htet Htet x

    Love Aunty Fi xxx

  2. Write now i am in the same plade as in this blog update Htet Htet
